Written by David Eaves
Wednesday, 03 March 2010 19:09 |
We're all guilty of taking ink for granted. Yes, you can use it to leave a mark on a piece of paper, but it's capable of so much more. Below, we take a close look at seven extraordinary uses for ink. You'll be amazed by what a versatile substance it is. We explore ink that explodes, ink that glows in the dark, ink that's sticky and ink that could soon be used to save thousands of lives each year. After reading this, you'll never underestimate ink again. |
Read more... [7 Things You Didn't Know Ink Could Do]
Written by David Eaves
Wednesday, 30 September 2009 15:05 |
10 oustanding mazes...
Read more... [10 Amazing Mazes]
Written by David Eaves
Tuesday, 18 August 2009 17:47 |
Here's a lovely photo to celebrate a Tuseday.
Read more... [The World's Most Hideous Signs]
Written by David Eaves
Monday, 17 August 2009 19:19 |
Take a look at the first five photographs below and then have a quick guess as to the materials used to create the beautiful green sections of the room's ceiling. If you fancy taking a guess, scroll down slowly so as not to see the spoiler picture. |
Read more... [A Ceiling Made From What?!]
Written by David Eaves
Monday, 17 August 2009 11:44 |
Seeing as such an enormous amount of the earth's surface is taken up by water, it makes sense to start floating things other than traditional boats on it. I came across a picture of the floating church below the other day and following my initial surprise was quickly reminded of the floating camping patch I read about a couple of weeks ago. It does seem that most things can, and will be, floated on water. And why not? |
Read more... [Float It And They Will Come]
Written by David Eaves
Thursday, 13 August 2009 07:43 |
Rubber ducks - in their original state at least - have been floating around bathtubs for decades, oblivious to the fact that the enormity of their fame has resulted in a number of strange variations and events being produced in their honour. From rubber duck races to enormous floating replicas, rubber ducks are truly a part of our culture. For example... |
Read more... [What The Duck?]
Written by David Eaves
Wednesday, 12 August 2009 13:19 |
For some reason there are hundreds if not thousands of large outdoor hand sculptures around the world, the majority of which seem to be reaching towards the sky in an attempt to escape life below ground. I'm a big fan of all things creepy so thought I'd show you 4 of the best examples. Here they are. |
Read more... [4 Enormous, Eerie Hands]
Written by David Eaves
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 11:22 |
When I found out about Nikolai Sutyagin's incredible handmade wooden home early last year, I claimed (rightfully so in my opinion) that it was the coolest skyscraper in the world, so it's extremely depressing to learn that the Russian's creation was demolished earlier this year. |
Read more... [A Wooden Giant Has Fallen]
Written by David Eaves
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 10:32 |
How do you like them, Apple? |
Read more... [Trust Grampa]
Written by David Eaves
Monday, 10 August 2009 16:27 |
You'd be forgiven for thinking the ladies in the photo below were employees behind the check-in desk of an airport, but they aren't. They're actually staff working behind the information desk at Airport Walk in Nagoya, a shopping mall which was opened in October 2008 in a disused terminal at Nagoya Airport in Japan. |
Read more... [Japan's Adapted Airport Terminal]
Written by David Eaves
Thursday, 06 August 2009 11:46 |
Unless you're dendrophobic - in which case it would possibly be the worst sight on Earth seeing as Ents luckily don't exist - there's something eerily romantic and comforting about streets and paths lined with trees, especially when their branches grow to the point where they arch over the road itself and meet in the middle to form a natural tunnel. Of course there a thousands of these green passageways around the planet so this is obviously a small selection, but I thought I'd share a few examples of one of nature's many visual treats. |
Read more... [10 Enchanting Tree Tunnels]
Written by David Eaves
Wednesday, 22 July 2009 10:31 |
I was just reading the Direct Villas blog and I found this awesome picture of Mickey's Forest: |
Read more... [The Mickey Mouse Shaped Forest]
Written by David Eaves
Saturday, 18 July 2009 14:36 |
Here is a really awesome Princess Leah F-104 Starfighter plane design created by a guy called John Eaves (what a fantastic surname): |
Read more... [Princess Leah F-104 Starfighter]
Written by David Eaves
Tuesday, 14 July 2009 12:19 |
I've seen my fair share of insane buildings over the years but I reckon I just stumbled across one of the strangest yet in the form of a Chinese hotel. What's also interesting is that, to my knowledge, very few English speaking websites have seen or mentioned what has got to be one of the most bizarre pieces of hotel architecture on Earth. |
Read more... [Hotels Don't Come Much Stranger]
Written by David Eaves
Thursday, 09 July 2009 20:10 |
Should you ever fly over San Francisco Bay, be sure to peer out of the window in order to catch a glimpse of one of the world's most incredibly coloured landscapes. It's hard to believe that the cause of such a vibrant display is plain old salt. |
Read more... [San Francisco's Multicoloured Salt Ponds]
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